March 2025

Nothing’s Wrong!

Author: Jory John

Illustrator: Erin Kraan

Summary: Anders and Jeff have a spectacular day for their picnic. But Jeff knows that something is off with Anders, even though he insists that nothing is wrong. What is the best way Jeff can help his friend when Anders won't tell him why he is feeling blue?

Recommended Ages: 4-8 yeears

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: What happens when the perfect day you had planned goes all wrong? How do you deal with the disappointment? And how does it feel when you try to hide your emotions from your friends? What can friends do to help each other out when they can sense you are feeling down or dejected? These are some of the questions that can spring a great discussion about helping each other out through moods we may be having.

February 2025

February 2025 Book Talk

Author: Anne Marie Pace

Illustrator: Christopher Denise

Summary: Moose is having a party and wants all his animal friends to come. There is just one problem: The party is on February 2 and if he sees his shadow, Groundhog will go back to his home. How can they fix that problem so Groundhog will come to the party?

Recommended Ages: 2-8 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: The animals all have different ideas about the ways they can help Groundhog be able to come to the party, but their bickering gets in the way of helping. How can we help our friends when we can't agree on the type of help?

Extension Activities: Pair this book with "GroundHog Day" by Gail Gibbons. Have the kids show learning by comparing fact with fiction. Have fun drawing a groundhog with our friend Rob and let the kids decide if their groundhog will show real attributes of a groundhog and its environment, or the fictional groundhog in "Groundhug Day". Click here!

January 2025

January 2025 Book Talk

Author: Oliver Jeffers

Illustrator: Sam Winston

Summary: Dictionary has all the words that have ever been read, but she wants to tell a story and is not quite sure where to start. What happens when Alligator starts off looking for a snack? Will Dictionary be able to tell her tale?

Recommended Ages: 4-8 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: This is such a great way to discuss and learn dictionary skills, alphabetical order or story sequence all in the same fun, unusual book! It will work well for any grade level, depending on the skill you are wanting to teach and reinforce.

Extension Activities: What a fabulous book to help reinforce alphabetical order! As you are reading the book, put the letter of each dictionary runaway on a white board or flannel board. After the ending of the book, have the kids put the letters in ABC order! Be sure to sing the song with your students! This book can also be a fun jumping off tale for reinforcing dictionary skills. Click here!

December 2024

December 2024 Book Talk

Author: Caralyn Buehner

Illustrator: Mark Buehner

Summary: You will not be reading this fun version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, you will be singing along with the snowmen, snow animals and Santa!

Recommended Ages: 4-8 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: Be sure to point out the alliterative word pairings as you are singing along with this hilarious version of the classic Christmas carol!

Extension Activities: After a lesson on alliteration, have students write their own version of the Snowman's Twelve Days of Christmas, keeping with the snowman theme. Create a book with your students' work for your classroom library! Click here!

November 2024

November 2024 Book Talk

Author: Laura Malone Elliott

Illustrator: Lynn Munsinger

Summary: Sam's class is learning about traditions surrounding Thanksgiving and each student is assigned a project to share that is a tradition in their family they are thankful for. But Sam is having a terrible time choosing his project. Can he get it done before the class Thanksgiving feast?

Recommended Ages: 4-8 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: Thanksgiving Day Thanks celebrates our differences and similarities in our family traditions, hopefully leading to discussions about how each family is unique.

Extension Activities: This sweet book will give your students the perfect opportunity to delve into the history and traditions of any family holiday or gathering that may be important in their family. Think of ways that students can research and share their favorite matter what holiday or event they are celebrating! Click here!