We will be focusing on discussing Digital Citizenship over the next two weeks in the library, and how to be safe while on the internet. I created these posters and bookmarks quite a while ago to help teach the information to my students, and have a way to review them throughout the year. You can read more about the videos I use to help teach Digital Citizenship here.
After doing the lessons, I came to realize that I needed a few things to make the lesson go smoother. While the poster is great, I spent time writing and/or drawing the 4 main pieces (the head, the heart, the belly/gut, and the feet) with my younger kids to begin to introduce the topic. Sadly, I’m not a very good artist, so I realized I needed some additional posters to help me teach this lesson.
I wanted the poster to be interactive, so kids could point to parts of their body and remember a concept about Digital Citizenship. One of the first things I did was redo the main poster with icons for using their eyes, head, heart, voice, feet, and hands. I also wanted the posters to stand out on my whiteboard as I taught the pieces, so I made them more bright and colorful. These pieces would also be a great way to review these concepts throughout the year as well.

If you are interested in using these posters to help teach your elementary students about the importance of Digital Citizenship, you can find them on my website or at my TpT store. I also created Digital Citizenship posters for Middle Schools and High Schools that were a little more mature. You can find those Middle School and High School posters here.
I hope you find this useful! 🙂
Wow these look amazing. Great job!
Thank you Sandy.I like your digital citizen ideas. I am new to blogging too.It looks good.Good luck.
Thanks! I'm glad you both found them useful!
We had a workshop and our presenter showed us your blog and your posters about digital citizenship. They are very "kid" friendly. I would love to use them with my grade 2/3 class. We have watched the Garfield video called "YAPPY" I would love to use your posters for further teaching. Do I have your permission?
You are welcome to use my Digital Citizenship posters. You can download them either from TpT or Teacher's Notebook. Thanks! 😉
May I have permission to use your bookmark in a high school? Your designs are great!
Thanks Macy! Yes, you are welcome to use my bookmark with your high school students. You can purchase them at my TpT or Teacher's Notebook store.
Great resources thanks 🙂
Sandy, may I have permission to link to your blog for a presentation to my middle school students on digital citizenship.
Mike H.
You are welcome to share my blog with your students. I hope it helps! 🙂
Sandy can you tell us what font or program you used to create the Wording for this poster? I was wanting to create a library sign using the same font 😉 Thanks!
It's called "Kid's Christmas" from Lettering Delights at http://www.letteringdelights.com
I'm in a french elementary school in Canada, could I have permission to translate your poster and bookmarks? thanks!
You are welcome to translate for your students. IF you'd like me to remake the poster with that info let me know and I'll add it to the store.
Hi Sandy,
I am a high school teacher and my colleague and I love your digital citizenship poster. Would I be able to print it for my classroom?
Parm Brar
(Surrey, BC, Canada)
Yes, you are welcome to use this poster for your classroom. You can download it here at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Digital-Citizenship-with-Elementary-Students-343272
Hi Sandy,
I am a digital content coach for the West Ada school district. I was hoping to get permission to use the Digital Citizenship picture in a newsletter with our schools. Thank you for your consideration.
Lisa Bray
Digital Content Coach
West Ada School District
I'm an elementary school teacher in Lincoln NE, could I have permission to translate your poster and bookmarks to work for our school? thanks!
You are welcome to translate for your students. IF you'd like me to remake the poster with that info let me know and I'll add it to my store.
Kia ora Sandy,
I am a Lecturer at a Māori University here in Aotearoa NZ. After reading through this blogspace, I found some really close links with how our people here can have with this resource. Am I able to use this for my students in our Masters of Education course here at Te Wānanga o Raukawa?
Yes, you are welcome to use it with your students. You can download it here at: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Digital-Citizenship-with-Elementary-Students-343272
Hi there…………….wondering if I can use an image of your poster on my website for digital citizenship-giving you credit on the resource page of course. And I've already purchased 2 licences through TpT. The website is an assignment for my master's class for educational technology.
Hi Michele,
You are welcome to share the image on your website, as long as you credit back to either my blog or my TpT page. Thank you!
Hi Sandy,
I love your Digital Citizenship Poster and was hoping to use on an educational website and link to your Digital Citizenship Blog with your permission. Please let me know if you would consider. Thank you!
Hi Erin,
You are welcome to use it on your website, as long as you link back to either my blog of my TpT store. Thank you! 🙂
Absolutely will do…thanks so much! Its a great unit! 🙂
This is a nice informative blog in which there is discussion about the digital citizenship and a advice to be safe on internet because today internet becomes a medium to make people fool in any matter.
Italian Translations Consultant | Package of Italian Dual Citizenship
Hi Sandy, I love your poster and was wondering if I could use an image of your poster for my slide share on digital citizenship in schools for my Masters in Teacher Librarianship. I have read the posts above and realise that you are happy for people to do this as long as they link back to your store but felt it was important that I asked for your permission first. Kind regards, Lisette
You are welcome to use my poster on your slide share, as long as you credit back to this blog or to my TpT store. Thanks! 🙂
Sandy- Love you post! I am going on my 2nd year as a 1:1 classroom. I included your graphic and post on my current blog on Digital Citizenship. I gave you credit. If you would like me not to include your post and graphic please let me know. Here is my recent post. 😊http://mrsevonsthirdgrade.blogspot.com/2015/07/digital-citizenship-resources.html
Thanks Monica!
Hi Sandy,
I teach 3rd grade in California. May I have your permission to use your poster to teach kids about digital citizenship? I think the poster covers all the important topics. Thank you
Yes, you are welcome to use it with your class. Hope it helps!
Hi Sandy,
Great post with some amazing ideas! I would love to use the concept for a bulletin board in one of the elementary schools I work in. The image of the boy, did you create it? If so, can I have permission to use it? I would like to blow it up and use it as the centerpiece in my bulletin board and add tips for digital citizenship around it that correlate with our PBIS program. If you didn't create it would you share where you got it? Thank you so much for considering and I hope you have a great day!
Hi Jamie,
I'm glad that you found my post helpful. I did not create the image of the boy….I purchased that from Scrappin' Doodles. You can find them here at http://www.scrappindoodles.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=4299 Hope that helps!
Hi Sandy,
I am doing an assignment for my teaching degree on digital citizenship, am I able to use this and link it all back to you please?
Thanks in anticipation
Hi Lee,
Yes, you are welcome to link back to this blog post. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this! I am using it for Internet Safety with K-2 this year and so far it is working really well. Thanks again!
I love your poster….wondering if we could add it to our school district moodle site regarding Internet Safety. I purchased the bundle….just looking for your permission! THanks!
Hi Jill,
You are welcome to add it to your district’s moodle site. Please just make sure you add the link to my blog so that teachers will know where to go to find it if they want it for their own classroom. Thank you! 🙂
Hi Sandy,
May I use your digital safety material to share with my students and I will note to link it back to your blog.
Hi Deb,
You are welcome to use my digital safety material and share it with your students. Please just make sure you link back to my blog. Thank you! 🙂
Hi Sandy,
Can I use your digital citizenship material for my presentation,I will link all the materials to your blog.
Hi Ashlin,
Yes you may use my digital citizenship poster but please link back to my blog so that others will know where to purchase it if they would like to use it as well.
Thank you!
Great follow-up to songs and lessons on Common Sense Media. Your posters are more informative. I am looking forward to using them with my 2nd – 4th graders.
I’m glad you are finding the Digital Citizenship posters helpful! 🙂
Sandy, Your information is so very wonderful and helpful. I am a student currently and creating a power point for my technology class. May I connect your site to my power point and include a picture from your lesson?
Hi Katherine,
Sure thing! 🙂 Hope it helps! 🙂
Hi Sandy,
I purchased your posters and was hoping to do a little PSA video with them. Is it okay to use them if I link these resources back to you? The video will be shared with my peers in my master’s class. Thanks in advance!
Hi Leslie,
Yes, as long as you credit back to my website that is fine to share them with your peers. 🙂
Hi Sandy,
I am creating a digital story for a university assignment. Please can I use the poster you have at the top of this post on my digital story/website. It will be password protected. Of course, I will credit back to your website. Thanks in advance 🙂
Hi Halie,
Yes, you are welcome to share the link to my Digital Citizenship poster as long as it’s within a closed system for your university. Thank you!
Hi Sandy. Your posters are great. Can I share images of them in our Elementary School. I want to mix them in with some of our student work and other items we have on our digital signage.
Hi Ryan,
Yes you can share them at your school. 🙂
Hi Sandy,
I am working on some digital citizenship items for my classroom and love some of your ideas and posters! Would you mind if I incorporate some of them in a powerpoint and posters for my classroom?
Thank you!
HI Brandi,
That is fine as long as you are sharing them in a closed setting. 🙂