September 2018

There’s a Dragon in Your Book

Author: Tom Fletcher

Illustrator: Greg Abbott

Summary: Tom Fletcher has written yet another really sweet interactive story that takes the reader on an adventure with their imagination! It all starts with an unexpected egg on the first page of the book, and a warning to NOT turn the page. But who could resist seeing what hatches out of that egg?! With each turn of the page, and new directions, you and your child will be entertained with the antics of the dragon. The surprise ending will be sure to leave you giggling for more!

Recommended Ages: 3 to 7 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: This is a great story to use to teach following directions.

Click, Clack, Quack to School

Author: Doreen Cronin

Illustrator: Betsy Lewin

Summary: Doreen Cronin has written yet another fabulous installment to the Click Clack series of books! This time, the animals at Farmer Brown’s farm have included themselves to his invitation to visit an elementary school for Farm Day. Each group of animals becomes super excited about the visit, but Farmer Brown tries to get them to be serious and practice their best school behavior. Sadly, they find out that animals aren’t allowed at school. You and your kids will be sure to giggle at the unique disguises the animals conjure up this time!

Recommended Ages: 4 to 8 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: This is a cute book to read to discuss school expectations.

Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess

Author: Julie Gassman

Illustrator: Andy Elkerton

Summary: This is a cute story that explains why dragons are not the best thing to take with you at recess. Unless, of course, they can learn the playground rules. Will the dragons learn to be patient, take turns, share all the toys, AND be respectful and kind to all the girls and boys? You and your kids will laugh all the way through the story, and have a great conversation about second chances!

Recommended Ages: 4 to 7 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: This is a great book to use to talk about school and playground expectations.

The Pout-Pout Fish and the Can't Sleep Blues

Author: Deborah Diesen

Illustrator: Dan Hanna

Summary: The Pout-Pout Fish just can’t seem to fall asleep, no matter how hard he tries. After receiving advice from each of his friends, he tries several new strategies. Unfortunately, counting sheep, wearing pajamas and socks, even swimming in circles just doesn’t seem to work. Will the Pout-Pout Fish find a strategy that helps him fall asleep? You and your child will love this cute bedtime story.

Recommended Ages: 3 to 6 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: This is a great book to use to talk about bedtime routines. It can also be used to talk about how sometimes there are many strategies that you can use, and how important it is to find a strategy that works for you.

Extension Activities: Check out the fun Pout-Pout Fish activity packet. Click here!

Peanut Butter and Cupcake

Author: Terry Border

Illustrator: Terry Border

Summary: Finding friends can be hard, no matter who, or what, you are! Peanut Butter understands this, and decides to ask several unique people to be his friend. Unfortunately, egg, soup, French fries, and everyone else Peanut Butter asks just doesn’t seem to work out. Will he find someone to complete his rhyme “We’ll go together like peanut butter and ______!”? Read to find out in this perfect friendship book!

Recommended Ages: 3 to 7 years

Themes, Skills, & Concepts: This is a great book to use to talk about how to make new friends at school.

Extension Activities: Have fun coloring with the Peanut Butter and Cupcake dot-to-dot page. Click here!

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