Can you believe it’s been almost 2 years since we started talking about Monkey’s Amazing Story?!
In case you missed it, here’s a quick review:
On April 17, 2018 a parent noticed two baby kittens in the parking lot of my school. Our nurse immediately went out to investigate, and realizing the mother cat was nowhere to be seen, ended up bringing both kittens into school for their own safety. A few minutes later, I heard about the newborn kittens in the office, and went to go see. I immediately fell in love! Just a few hours later, my husband picked them up and took them to the vet to get checked out. And that’s how we became the owners of two approximately 4-day old kittens!
Monkey’s amazing story quickly spread throughout our school! He has become our unexpected mascot, and students ask about him all the time! I even used Monkey’s amazing story to teach my students research skills! You can read about that here! My husband has also connected with cat lovers around the world, blogging about our experiences trying to save the motherless kittens!
Since Monkey has developed a world-wide following, we thought it was time he got his own website! Learn about Monkey’s amazing story, and how it continues to change our lives, at the Little Monkey Boy’s website! You can also follow his YouTube channel here!

Dear Sandy, I found this story whilst researching school library ideas. I love Monkey’s story. 2016 I, myself, rescued 3 new-borns: 1 was adopted immediately by the vet’s assistant and the 2 others I took home planning to foster. Sadly the other little tom, the runt, succumbed to dehydration despite our best efforts. His sister survived and I learned a lot about kittenhood. In the Caribbean I didn’t have access to formulas, but I found a great milk recipe on which I hand-reared her. I stick to a raw meat diet for my cats, which are outdoor pets, so as soon as she was weaned she was eating unprocessed meals. This is a long roundabout way of saying that I admire what you did for Monkey & his sibling because I fully understand what you’ve gone through. Bravo!
Aww! I’ve had cats for years but there is definitely a different bond with Monkey after everything we went through! 😉 Thanks for sharing!