Search Results for: Fiction and Non-Fiction

Mystery Animal Research with Kindergarten

     Conducting research with kindergarten students can be a daunting task, but I think I found a way to make it fun for them AND manageable for me!  I’ve been spending the year getting them to understand the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction books, and would often pair two books over similar content to…

Book Genres for 3rd-5th

     Just like with the younger grades, when October begins, I start getting into the more “meatier” lessons, like on book genres, with 3rd-5th grade as well.  These lessons are often taught during one or two library lessons, but will also carry on throughout the entire year.          The first of these “meatier”…

Signage for a New Library

The next adventure in opening my new library was creating the signage for each of the sections.  (I’ll be honest…this was the part that really got me excited!)  Once my awesome carpets arrived (you can read more about that here), I started working on ideas for the walls.  I knew my signage was going to…

Binder Organization for a New Library

July is here, and stores are already pulling out all the stops for Back to School. So this is the perfect time to remind you how my binder organization system can help you have a more manageable time in the library! After working a few years in the library, I realized that there is SO…

Choice Boards for the Upper Grades

I previously posted about using Choice Boards to introduce the Texas 2×2 books to my Kinder, 1st, and 2nd graders.  You can read more about that here.  I had such fun creating those choice boards with my fellow librarians that I decided to use the same idea to create Choice Boards for the Upper Grades…