Search Results for: Fiction and Non-Fiction

Researching with 1st Grade-Teaching Good Research Steps

     Teaching good research habits to younger grades is a very important part of being a librarian.  In the past, I have introduced the research steps using a lesson that connected the Big 6 steps to following a recipe for making an apple pie.  You can read about this “Recipe for Research” lesson on…

New Year’s Reading Goal Bookmark

     For the second half of the year, I wanted to do an activity that would encourage my students to reflect more about the “type” of books that they were checking out, with the hopes that they might explore some new genres instead of just checking out the same books or series over and…

Kinder Literacy Lesson Plans

Are you in need of Kinder Literacy Lesson Plans?  Then check this out!      When I became a librarian, I had already taught third grade for 15 years.  I was pretty confident in my teaching, and I felt like I had a good grasp on how to plan interesting lessons, build differentiated activities, and create…

New Book Happy Dance!

     Have you ever come across a new book that fits perfectly with a lesson you do or an idea you have and then you uncontrollably break out into a happy dance!?  That’s exactly how I felt when I came across this book: Your Fantastic Elastic Brain by JoAnn Deak Ph.D.       I…

Fairy Tale Update

     One of my favorite things to teach in the library is Folktales.  I had previously posted my activities with how to introduce Folktales with students on my blog here, but as I was teaching it again this year with 2nd grade, I decided to make some changes.      I originally was going to…