Animal Research With Younger Grades

Teaching good research habits to younger grades is a very important part of being a librarian.  What better way than to use animal research to peak their interest! In the past, I have introduced the research steps using a lesson that connected the Big 6 steps to following a recipe for making an apple pie.  You can…

Digital Citizenship in Spanish!

For those of you who have been reading my blog over the last few years, I wanted to give you a heads up that there will soon be some exciting new changes!  In June, I will be launching my own website called…. This has been a labor of love that my husband and I have…

2nd Grade Lesson Plans

2nd Grade Lesson Plans are finally here!           I was looking back to my last blog post, and sadly realized it was way back in September!  🙁 This has been quite a BUSY, STRESSFUL, and CRAZY year, at school and at home!  I found out my principal accepted a new position in…

Behavior Reports in the Library??!!

     So…as they say, “Behavior Happens”!  After having several classes with my kinder and 1st grade students, I realized that I was going to have to come up with a way to encourage several students to make better choices.  I talked to the classroom and other specials teachers, and together we brainstormed different behaviors…

Digital Citizenship Update


           The beginning of the year is a great time to teach or review how to be safe at school.  When my students come back for their second trip to the library, I spend a few minutes talking to them about the types of emergency situations that may come up or…