
December 2020 Book Talk

Author: Matt Tavares

Illustrator: Matt Tavares

Summary: Dasher was the youngest reindeer in his family, and loved to hear her mom tell stories about the magical snowy place under the North Star. When the gate door to their pen swings open one night, Dasher runs as fast as she could despite the warnings her mother gave about their owner Mr. Finnegan. Lost in the woods, she comes across Santa and offers her help to deliver the presents. It was an amazing night, filled with adventure and excitement, but will Dasher ever see her family again? You’ll have to read to find out.

Time Savers for a Hard Year!

Like so many other librarians and teachers, I’ve spent this school year feeling like I’m barely keeping my head above the water!  Starting off 100% virtual, then phasing in different grade levels each week, to now where we have about half our school in-person and the other half virtual…it’s been hard to keep up with…

Searching for the Perfect Book

Searching for the perfect book

I’ve missed the book store!  I know that might sound like a strange thing to say but we all know…these are strange times!  Let me explain…As a teacher I used to spend every other weekend in the children’s book section searching for the perfect book to teach my lessons.  I loved using books to introduce…

Evelyn Del Rey is Moving Away

November Book Talks

Author: Meg Medina

Illustrator: Sonia Sánchez

Summary: Daniela and Evelyn are best friends...they live across from each other, in apartments that are mirror images of the other. Today is a big day because it’s moving day for Evelyn. Daniela and Evelyn spend the day playing make believe, hiding in their best spots, and promising to always be friends even when Evelyn moves away.

Virtual Bluebonnet Wall of Fame

This is my 11th year as a librarian, and over that time I’ve made many changes to my systems and  lessons in the library.  Well, now that we know we will be starting this school year virtually, I’ve had to rethink how I celebrate the Texas Bluebonnet books with my students.   So after brainstorming, I…