So…as they say, “Behavior Happens”! After having several classes with my kinder and 1st grade students, I realized that I was going to have to come up with a way to encourage several students to make better choices. I talked to the classroom and other specials teachers, and together we brainstormed different behaviors…
Digital Citizenship Update
The beginning of the year is a great time to teach or review how to be safe at school. When my students come back for their second trip to the library, I spend a few minutes talking to them about the types of emergency situations that may come up or…
The Shelf Elf for Book Care
I’ve posted a lot about teaching book care with the younger grades, and while I like to use the same poster board set to introduce the idea of book care ( you can read about that activity here), I wanted to use different books with each grade level. This year for…
Beginning of Year Library Dragon Scavenger Hunt
I always like to do some sort of a “Scavenger Hunt” with the upper grades at the beginning of the year. It helps the students reacquaint themselves with the library, but it also helps them notice changes that may have been made over the summer. It’s also a great stress-free and fun way for the…
STEM and STEAM Centers in the Library
Interested in starting STEM and STEAM centers in your classroom or library? Read on! Last year I started Makerspaces in my library as a way to give my students more opportunities to be “hands-on” in their learning. (You can read about my Makerspace beginnings here.) I definitely learned a lot by jumping right in, and as…
Resources for librarians, teachers, parents, & grandparents