I Will Be Fierce!

Author: Bea Birdsong

Illustrator: Nicholas Chanani

Summary: This is a sweet story about a girl who wakes up ready to “be fierce” and have a great adventure. From escaping the dragons, to climbing the “Mountain of Knowledge”, she bravely faces the challenges of the day. The illustrations will lead to great conversations to have with your kids.

Setting Reading Goals with Students

  The new year is here, and that means it’s time to set new reading goals with students!   As a classroom teacher, I always believed in the power of goal-setting with my students.  I would take the time to conference with each student every 9 weeks to reflect on how things were going, and set…

The Crayon’s Christmas

Author: Drew Daywalt

Illustrator: Oliver Jeffers

Summary: Duncan and his crayons are back, but this time they are hoping to spread some holiday cheer and show how giving someone a gift is the BEST gift of all! You and your kids will have so much fun exploring each of the letters, games, and activities that are in the book. Hours of fun for sure!

Hour of Code Week Is Coming…Are you Ready?

Hour of Code Week

I love celebrating the Hour Of Code in December, and I’m always on the lookout for new activities to do with my students.  While the Hour of Code week is celebrated Dec. 9-15 this year, I usually extend it to the entire month of December as there are always so many interruptions to our normal…

The Panda Problem

Author: Deborah Underwood

Illustrator: Hannah Marks

Summary: Panda has a big problem….but he didn’t realize he did until the narrator of the story informed him of this very fact. That’s when things take a turn for the worse...or better, depending upon your view. Will the narrator ever get the Panda to help him with the story? You and your kids will be sure to laugh throughout this crazy story!