End of the Year in the Library


It’s the End of the Year in the Library! Run!  Hide!  Cry! …..Just kidding!  I don’t know about you, but the end of the year in the library is always such a blur of activity that it’s hard to keep things straight and not lose your mind!  Luckily, I’m a bit of a nerd when it…

Centers in the Library


When I was in the classroom, I used a variety of centers with my students.   Some worked well, some I kept having to tweak, and some just eventually died a natural death!  After my first year in the library, I decided to try and introduce some centers in the library as well.  After students…

Liebster Award Nomination!


  Wow!  A HUGE thank you goes to Library Safari for nominating my blog for The Liebster Award!  This is an award which is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers but that “deserves to have many more.”  I appreciate the vote of confidence, and look forward to spreading the “Liebster” love! The rules for…

Lost Books in the Library


  Picture courtesy of The 3 Am Teacher                  Ahh…it’s the end of the year,         and the struggle to find lost books begins   (or continues if your school is anything like mine!)      I work at a Title 1, bilingual campus and the…

Spring Book Fair & Teacher Appreciation Sale!


Well, our Spring Book Fair is underway, and things are pretty hectic.   I decided to not do the theme that Scholastic was promoting (Story Laboratory) and went instead with my end of the year “Summer Luau” theme.  I used to always decorate my classroom like this for the last 2 weeks of school, so…